Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

Copyright Tattered Edge 2007

This is one of the pieces I have been working on to go with my "secret project" for my partner in the exchange I am hosting. She's away right now so hopefully she won't see this, but if she does, this is the only piece I am sharing till she gets her parcel at the end of the month, so consider it a tease! I thought she would enjoy having something with her initial to add to her studio, so I made her this little muse. I am having a ball cooking up all the things I am including with her parcel and I can't wait to hear her reaction!

I thought the summer would mean a bit of a slow down which would allow me to find time to pursue some projects I haven't had time for, but it doesn't look like it's going to turn out that way. (Not that I am complaining!) I imagine there will just never be enough time to create all the jumble of things that pop into my head. Good thing I have my trusty Moleskine to write them all down in!

There's been alot of talk about music in my circle of friends lately. (Must be the theme of summer!) Susie was asking if people listened to music in their studios while they worked. I do. It's a simple fact that no music=no art. I always have music from my Itunes library playing through my computer while I create. It allows my thinking brain to shut off and the art just creates itself. It's quite meditative, really. My tastes are pretty eclectic but the common denominator is that I love truly great lyrics.

When I went to Artfest, I hosted a collaborative book for the girls in my house. We also decided to swap mixed CDs with one another which was fantastic-I learned so much about my housemates, listening to their music. My friend Tina and I seem to be on the same page when it comes to our musical tastes. It's pretty cool because while we are big fans of The Indigo Girls, we have also introduced each other to artists we didn't know, but now also love. It's made for some very happy listening.

In other news, I am waiting on two packages that are en route to my house. One is the returns for the Triptych swap and my prize. (Thanks Susie, Sarah & Angela!) The other is goodies from my pal Liz. I am hoping today, Friday the 13th is a good mail day! (Traditionally, this day has been lucky for me!) I just have one question: at what point does my watching for the mailman cross the line into stalking?!? *evil grin*


Kris said...

This is a lovely K and I like it...and not because I am partial to K's....and seem to collect them....or because I have too many! Just because you made it so pretty!

Mary lin Huskamp said...

Love the K!!!