Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Lesson in Kharma

Tiffani Elektra made me cry first thing this morning. Yup, she did! Here's what happened: My mail arrived and in it a package. I looked to see who had sent it and the return address said Tiffini. I don't know Tiffini personally, but we are in a group called The Creative Underground together, along with a whole bunch of friends.

Anyway, I opened the parcel and inside was a card, a box, a packet of tiny 1" art buttons and a collection of her ATCs. I opened the card first-yes, I have manners and I was dying to know why she was sending me a parcel. (Lovely Papaya card, by the way.) She said was sending me one of the bracelets as a thank you for doing the chunky condolance books for Celine and Stacie and because she knew I had been busy working on the books so I could present them to the ladies at AF so I couldn't participate in the charm swap . You could have knocked me over with a feather! I am utterly stunned. I never in a million years expected this and so this is what brought me to tears this morning. I can't express how much this sweet gesture touched me. For someone I don't really know to have thought of me in this way and to have given me something so incredibly special is just mind boggling. *eyes welling up again* My wish for the people I love has always been that any good they bring to the world come back to them tenfold. This morning, I truely got a taste of that. It's a beautiful and magical feeling, let me tell you.

Here is a break down of the charms on the bracelet and who made them. (Borrowed from Sarah Fishburn and the CU group-it's the easiest way to show you what's on it, since it's *so* chunky!)
My thanks goes out to each and every one of the ladies: Laurie Winter, Angela Cartwright, Deb Trotter, Denise Lombardozzi, Efrat Dalton, Erikia Ghumm, Lisa Stroyan, Kathy Strittmater, Kelly Ferero, Leticia Gronlund, Sarah Fishburn, Shari Schwarz, Sharon Wisely, Sue Whitten, Trin Nielsen, Delta Waters, Cassie Wich, Tracie Lindsey, Vicki Lauer and Suz Simanaitus
who worked so hard to make this precious piece of art. I am going to throughly enjoy gazing in wonder at each of the charms and hearing it tinkle softly when I wear it.

Thank you Tiffini for blessing me in such an unexpected way this morning. My heart feels so blissful and full and the timing was utterly perfect. WOW! The little buttons are going onto my artfest messenger bag right away-LOVE them!! (I don't know if you knew or not, but I collect them.) The ATCs are fantastic. I am going to sprinkle them around my workspace.

*deep breath* WHEW! What a way to start the day! In other news, only ONE sleep till AFF!! Most of my stuff is packed now. I just have to make a run to the bank to change money over and a quick trip to the mall to pick up a couple of things. I am so excited to be spending time with great good friends (nudge and a wink to Deb and Janice, my travelling companions) and to meet up with pals when we get there. I am looking forward to meeting new friends too! Oh yeah-and to make art...yeah I think that was the reason I was going...right? *grin*

So everyone, see you on the flip side! I will post when I return and share photos and tales of my adventures. If you are travelling to AFF, have a safe journey. I hope everyone has a good rest of the week!


Anonymous said...

yourpost just brought tears to my eyes.
I will never forget what you did for us,Faith, and i won't thank you enough for being such a wonderful friend.
Once i'm done with work - i finish on Friday - I will write a long email and hope to be in touch with you again, as i feel very guilty to have been so behind for the last couple of months.
i love you and am sending you tons of hugs and kisses.

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Wow, what a beautiful and thoughtful gift! I hope you are bringing it to AFF so I can look at it in person. 1 more sleep.. woohoo. I beter pack some clothes!

Anonymous said...

YOU deserve everybit of this Lelainia! You are the one who started it all.. and others are just paying it forward!!!!
Your kind soul is being repayed!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post. There is nothing better than real, hand-made, hand loved, hand thought packages that have meaning. What a good day. -And I don't think I got your email. Or else didn't know it was yours. I double checked too. can you resend?

tiffini elektra x said...

Oh my gosh - ummmm - I am in tears. . .I never expected to read such an amazing post. You do deserve it - I don't even know what to say. I am so glad you are happy with it - I figured since you know all the gals you could appreciate it on a different level.
Thank you so much for what you did - it was such a wonderful thing to do. And both books are just absolute treasures. Thank you!! Xo

Marina of Printable Expressions said...

How awesome! Have a great trip...can't wait to see what you come back with.