First of all, this photo is of my oldest friend at one of my childhood birthday parties. I am the one on the extreme right in yellow (I think this is the only time in my life where I wore yellow and got away with it-YUCK!) and Farrell is the one in the center with the cup in her hand. I have known Farrell since kindergarten and by a strange twist of fate 4 years ago I reconnected with her when I "found" her online. A bit of detective work and a couple emails later and we discovered we were both living out west. We got together and it's as if nothing had ever changed. Farrell is a hoot and exactly as I remember her growing up. My family adores her and it's so good to have someone in my life as a grown up to whom I don't have to explain my past. She knows and because she knows, we have this sort of cultural/old friend shorthand between us.
It's interesting when I start thinking about the people in what I call my "sacred circle" (Friends with whom I share a deep and meaningful relationship with.) and what they bring to my life.
There's Lisa, who I met while working on the crisis line. Apparently neither one of us liked each other the first few times we met. Lisa was shy and I thought she was just being standoffish. She thought I was totally intimidating because I was so friendly. It's funny how we were such polar opposits and yet we are so close now. Lisa is the kind of friend I can call at 4 a.m. if I need to and because she has all that wonderful crisis line training, she knows how to listen effectively! We often find ourselves laughing ourselves sick over things that are not funny. I love that she shares my gallows humour.
There is Allison who used to be my neighbour and became my friend. We have travelled together, having all sorts of adventures. There's nothing like road trips to bond you to your girlfriends. Allison is a ball of energy.
There's Penn who I consider to be my art partner in crime. We seem to have this synergy when it comes to artistic ideas and it proves the theory that two heads are better than one. Penn is well read and thoughtful and it's always interesting talking with her.
There's Sandy who I met online but lives nearby who also does artsy things with me. I just really enjoy her company and we go on art supply shopping sprees together. I like that Sandy is direct and no nonsense. She's a straight shooter.
There are Alyx and Kelly, Nikki and Jessica, friends I met through Lisa who are just lovely people. Alyx is a brilliant sci-fi writer who tells it like it is and cracks me up. She is the queen of macro photography and keeps me supplied with eyecandy. Kelly is pure sunshine. She has the best smile and when she hugs you, she hugs you with her whole heart. Nikki is down to earth and friendly and hanging out with her is always a good time. I love that she loves music. Jessica has a poet's soul and a beautiful imagination. All these women are intelligent, strong women and I really admire that about them.
And then there are a whole host of friends that would take quite some time to talk about (and likely more than you would be willing to read) who touch my life in innumerable ways through the miracle of the internet. My closest online friend though is Deb, who started this whole post. Deb and I met when she emailed me one day, asking if I would like to trade links. It seems like ages ago now, because it feels like we have always been friends. What I love about Deb is her generous spirit, her soft accent, her kindness, her obvious talent and the comraderie we share as mothers of only-child, teenaged boys. (Lord love 'em!) Deb has a heart as big as all outdoors and you feel her passion for life when you talk to her.
Yes, I am blessed. I have very special friends whom I love fiercely and I am grateful for all the goodness and light they bring to my life on a daily basis. My life would not be the same without them.
So tell me, who is in your sacred circle?
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love this~
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