Here's how:
1. Cut a large paper template of a heart out.
2.Fold your fabric right sides together and pin your template securely on top.
3.Using your sewing machine, stitch around the edge of the template, leaving a 4 inch opening on one of the straight sides.
4. Remove the template and trim the fabric to within a 1/4 of your sewing line. Clip the curves.
5. Turn right side out and stuff firmly with fibrefill. (You can add a little prayer for healing, written on fabric with a pigma pen to the stuffing at this point if you like!)
6. Hand sew the opening shut.
EDIT: For those of you who wanted to know how big I made the heart, I used a 15 inch square of paper and cut the heart from that. I folded the paper in half and drew 1/2 the heart, then cut it out on that line to make it symetrical. I used the heavy brown parcel paper you get on a roll to make the template.
For those of you who have already mailed off your contributions for the Breast Friends Collaborative, THANK YOU!! If you haven't mailed yours yet, please do so ASAP so I can get the everything put together before the month's end. THANKS!!
I just saw your pillow on JoAnnA's blog, what a special gift!! I talked with her briefly yesterday & she was exstatic about your present!
It is so pretty~
xo ~Bella
What a lovely and thoughtful gift. I'm sure she will appreciate it very much.
That is so beautiful and sweet, Lelainia...I am sure JoAnnA will love it very much =)
For those of us that would like to make this pillow for others in need, could you please give an approximate size for the heart? It is important to me to make it the right size for the maximum comfort. TIA ~Catherine
No wonder she loves it...........how precious! What a thoughtful gift.....you are one thoughtful girly girl!
lelainia.. I am almost done w/mine.. is it ok to mail it next week...??? let me know.. thanks!! :) hope all is well.. just caught up w/your journal.. LOVE the Christmas decor!!! Will you come do mine??? I am so not in the spirit.. and need to snappy out of it! :)
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