Reading: I haven't been reading much lately because my eyes have been funky. I just dropped over $400 on glasses which I should have by the new year, so hopefully I will get a couple of books for Xmas and be able to try my new specs out!
Watching: I hope to see the new National Treasure movie over the holidays. I haven't been to the movies in ages! In the meantime, I am watching that band show that's like American Idol and rooting for the insanely talented Clark Brothers.
Listening: I am hopelessly addicted to Garrison Keillor's "News from Lake Woebegon" podcasts. They're so entertaining and they are FREE to download weekly at iTunes. You might remember him from "A Prairie Home Companion". I listen to the podcasts on my iPod every night before I fall asleep.
Drinking: Chai, chai and more chai, although the other day at Starbucks, I took a sip of my chai latte, only to find out it was not chai, but coffee. YUCK!
Anticipating: Christmas day with my best friends. We're having dinner here at our place and then breaking out the board games. Girls vs. Guys and if it's Pictionary, we're gonna kick butt!
Dreaming: About Artfest. Is it April yet?!?
Doing: This weekend is going to be a cooking weekend. I'm making cabbage rolls, homemade sausage, maybe some antipasto and nuts & bolts. I love to cook!
Creating: I have been working on sewing up that button bag, but then got sidetracked with Xmas shopping. I plan to get back to it today. I am also working on some new art for my exhibit which goes up January 2nd.
So, that's things in my world at the moment. It's crazy busy here, as I imagine it is at your house. We are on day 9 of the 12 Days of Xmas Exchange. It's been such a good time and I will be sorry to see it end. The ladies have all outdone themselves this year.
Okay, I had better get moving-I have a monster grocery list to formulate!
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