So my segment on Breakfast Television went very well today. I took my son with me not only as my right hand man, but also because I wanted to share the experience with him. We were on the road by just after 6 a.m. and arrived at the station by 7-ish. It's amazing how deserted downtown is at that hour, but it was a good thing because it made parking easy.
We entered the building and Simi Sara and Dave Gerry were right there in the front studio doing their broadcast. It was odd walking in and having them 10 feet away and on live TV. I always thought the studio was much larger, but it's not-it's surprisingly a very small space!
Once we checked in, we were taken the the Green Room to wait. They had all kinds of sweet rolls and coffee waiting. The producer arrived and we went over all the samples I had brought and got them set up. There were other guests on first so I got to watch them have their turn.
Just before I went on, the makeup artist did my makeup, which was really nice. I am not huge on wearing makeup, but she managed to make me look good while still looking natural, which I liked. Then the producer got me miked up and out I went.
I was suppose to be interviewed by Simi but apparently Dave is the artistic one, so he did the interview instead. I didn't feel nervous at all and the whole thing went by really quickly. I can't even really remember what I said. *laughs* Afterwards, the ladies were looking at all the ATCs I'd brought and asking questions as I packed up. It's always great to have people greet what you do with such enthusiasm.
After we left, my son and I went out to celebrate with brunch at Solly's. By the time I got home, there were voice mails and emails from local friends and family with congratulations waiting for me. I have yet to see the segment myself. My husband set the VCR, but not being the technical one, something happened and it stopped recording about 20 minutes before I came on. (That will teach me!) My best friend taped it and will hopefully be giving me a copy on Wednesday so I can see.
I have to say, one of the very best parts of my job is all the wonderful opportunities that come along. Because of art, I have been invited to do and experience things I would otherwise probably not have. I love the adventure of it all-meeting new people, sharing what I love and learning new things. I am very grateful for all the magic in my life. Dare to dream people, dare to dream!
so happy for you L!!
Congratulations, Lelainia, what an adventure!
Love your angel of lost buttons!
Yay!!! congrats...can't wait to see you on TV!
Today TV, tomorrow a How-to DVD contract? We can hope!
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