Monday, January 07, 2008

Notes From the Studio

This first month of 2008 is proving to be a busy time in the studio. I have been busy preparing kits for my upcoming classes and with my nose to the grindstone working towards deadlines. Don't get me wrong-I love to work, love to be busy. I just find it endlessly amusing that these things tend to all happen at once. It's that whole feast or famine phenomenon. It's good though-I find I do need times where my schedule is less hectic so I can recharge my batteries and give my mind a rest. You can't run full tilt all the time!

I got a giggle out of how many people commented or emailed me privately to comment on the tidiness of my studio. It seems I have spawned the movement known as "The Great Purge of 2008". *grins* Apparently I have inspired several folks to clean up their work spaces. Okay, so now that you're all organized, let's see your studios! If you're brave enough to post pics to your blog or Flickr leave a comment here and I'll go peek!

Oh and to clear one more thing up: Karma, the studio fish is real. Yes, he's a Siamese Fighting fish, a beta. I won't name names but someone thought it was some sort of glass or plastic fake fish. NOPE! He's a living, breathing, swimmin' fishy fish. I like looking over and seeing what he's up to.

I have added a new post to my Artpub Blog for those of you who are following along there. This one is about Personal Imagery.

Okay time to get back to work! Happy creating everyone!

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