Things have been on the quiet side around here. The last week has been kind of rough. I got really sick on Monday night and had to make an emergency trip to my doc on Tuesday. Turned out I had a nasty infection, so I had to go on hardcore antibiotics. I spent the rest of the week either couch surfing or sleeping.
Thursday, a visit to my pain specialist revealed that a major issue I've had with my left foot over the past 7 months is actually something that needs surgery to correct. It's going to be an ugly operation when I finally get it and I am not looking forward to it, (dreading it actually) but I can't leave it like it is and if the surgery can fix it, then I'd rather suffer in the short term. I'd like to be able to walk without limping. It's really frustrating to not be able to go hiking with my guys and my dog.
As if all that wasn't enough, we got news over the weekend that my husband's uncle suffered a heart attack on Friday. He had a quadruple bypass yesterday and is now recovering in hospital.
Sorry to hear so many negative things are going on!'s time for some goodness...! Like that sweet and sour pork! Oh my gosh...I want it. Now. Maybe you'll share the recipe? *hint hint!*
Sorry about your bad news...yes please share the recipe..
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