Saturday, August 27, 2011

And We're OFF!!

In just a few short house (4 to be exact) we'll be standing at the official start of City Chase Vancouer! We've prepared as much as we can-I was tasked with figuring out a cross word to get letters to a word scramble, which when deciphered revealed a chase point. I successfully completed that and have mapped out that location and planned the travel route, so we're good to go!

Also, thanks to generous friends far and wide we did meet our fundraising goal for City Chase's official charity, Right to Play! We received pledges from Canada, the US and New Zealand! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! We really appreciate the support and more importantly some little kids in impoverished countries will have access to sports programs for an entire year, thanks to all of you! Who knows-you may be helping to foster a love of sport in a child who could grow up to be an Olympic medalist!

I will check in here as soon as I can. Not entirely sure when that will be-the chase finishes at 4 p.m. and then there is an after party. Factoring in tiredness and well....I'll post as soon as I can.

For friends on the East Coast, please stay safe. I am thinking of you and hoping that the dire warnings are not going to turn out as serious as they've predicted so far. When you can, please check in and let us know you're alright!! I worry, you know! xox

Catcha on the flip side!

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