Saturday, January 01, 2005

Art Goals for 2005

Happy New Year Everyone!

As I was working on some pages for the Book of Naughty today, I started to think of all the things I would like to do art-wise this year. Here's the list!

-I want to make at least one shrine. (If I like it, I would probably make several.)

-I want to try beeswax collage. I have all the stuff, just have not had time to try it yet.

-I want to do a circle journal project with a friend. I am doing this. I'm already thinking about what theme I want to do!

-I want to swap art with a few art friends I have not swapped with yet. This really excites me!

-I want to add to my art book library. I am a picky book buyer, but I do want to get some really good books. I have 2 on order so far.

-I want to make soldered slide jewellery. Again, I have all the stuff now that I got the correct tip for my soldering iron for Xmas.

-I want to do more collaberative book projects. I have one in progress I am hosting and another I am participating in.

-I want to attend Artwerx. I plan to do this with a friend. We are going to stay at the hotel where it takes place so we can totally submerse ourselves in art for 3 days. I am really looking foreward to this!

Anyone else have art goals for the new year?

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