Well, I managed to get the cover of my Moleskine altered over the weekend. All the bits for this collage came from friends. I al now working on the pages inside to get some done before I have to send it off in the next couple of weeks. I can't wait to see what the others have done with theirs. I think this is going to be fun!

These are the two wonderful cakes Penn arranged for the ATC swap group to have yesterday in Vancouver. It was the swap group's 6th birthday. The one with the ladyfingers was tiramisu and the one with the flamingos was chocolate mocha. They were delicious! The real trick was keeping our ATCs from having chocolate all over them. LOL! We had a great turn out (hmm..wonder if that had anything to do with the promise of cake for anyone who showed up?) and lots of cool cards were traded.

Today I had a parcel in the mail. I thought it might be another gift for the 12 days of Xmas swap, but instead it was a sugar skull! I had to laugh when I saw it-I have NEVER had one before! Unfortunately, the return addy had rubbed off the outside of the box, so I am not entirely sure who sent it. It says "Suz" on the back so thank you Suz! If you are reading this, please email me and let me know it was you! It certainly is a cool thing and I can't imagine having the patience and skill to make one. You just never know what's going to turn up next in the magical mailbox!
I have a few more goodies to list on Etsy later today so check back if that interests you!
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