Yesterday I spent the day at Banting Middle School as the Guest Artist teaching the kids in Mrs. Geissler's and Ms. Knowles' class Altered Mirrors. There were about 56 kids (Grades 6 & 7)
and it was alot of fun! The kids came up with some really colourful and creative ways to alter their mirrors and everyone did a wonderful job as you can see.
One thing I really love about teaching kids is that they do art with such abandon. They just happily follow their muses and there's not alot of "I can't do it" or "Mine isn't good enough". That said, one young lady brought me her mirror when she was finished and said "Is this okay?" and I said "Are YOU happy with it?" "Yes!" "Well then, that's all that matters!" She walked away with a big grin on her face.
I think it's so important for art not to be seen as a competition, but as something unique to the artist. Everyone has something beautiful in their soul to express and who are any of us to say that anyone's expression of that is lacking in any way? I think art programs are so valuable. It's often the first thing to be cut when the budget crunches come (as they always do) but it's such a great way to build up kids' self esteem. It feeds their souls. I could see by the care and attention they gave their projects that they were getting great satisfaction from what they were doing. I know come Christmas morning when they give their mirrors to whomever they made them for, they are going to be so proud of themselves. That's priceless.
Thanks kids for making yesterday a great day. You can all be very proud of the work you have done and it was a pleasure to spend time with you. Thank you for having me! See you in the Spring!
These are SO much fun!!! Love seeing them all together! :)
Oh how fun, Lelainia - the kids did a fabulous job!
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