Here a house, there a house....It's that time of year again-the time when I am madly dashing around pulling together all the things I need for Artfest! These are my general swaps, little houses with a muse inside for folks to put in their studios for good luck. I spent all day yesterday finishing them. I'd cut them out way back in December, but only just managed to complete them yesterday. I had the pedal to the metal, quite literally as I sewed them all on my sewing machine. I started at 5 a.m. and got all 108 of them done just after dinner last night. The picture is only a fraction of the ones I made.
Now I am moving on to working on the special swaps for my housemates. I have a great idea in mind and I should be able to get them finished by the end of the week. I also want to order more Moo cards to trade with anyone who brings theirs. I guess I should also pull out my supply lists for my classes and get to ordering anything I need. Artfest is only 27 days away!! I have renewed my passport, had my car tuned up and all that's left to do is get travel medical insurance. (Don't leave home without it!!)
I am so excited! I can't wait!
those houses are way cute!!
These houses look great! I definitely hope I get to you for a trade before you hand them all out. =)
These houses are adorable! Wish I was going to Artfest!!!
It is a pleasure to visit your blog. I love it!
OWOH was really a great opportunity to get in contact with other bloggers. I'm amazed by the creativity that I see. Today I'm making the rounds and trying to catch up on what's going on.
I'm delighted that I stopped by your blog.
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