Friday, March 07, 2008

The Why Of It

Copyright Tattered Edge 2008
I have been busy the last few days working on getting ready for Artfest. This is my big yearly trip to Port Townsend, Wa. Why do I go?

I go to commune with other artists. I go to get that feeling of walking into a room and wanting to throw my arms wide and shout "My people!" I go so I can spend time with folks who "get it".

I go for the hugs from old friends and the fun of meeting and making new ones. I go for the smell of the ocean and the sea breeze blowing on my face as I cross the parade ground. I go for the laughter, for the "ah ha!" moments, for the joy of self discovery.

I go to sit around the dining room table late at night with my girlfriends having snacks and sharing stories. I go for the beach party and roasting my one token marshmallow to a crisp. I go for treasure hunting in the art asylum. I go to peruse all the wonderful little shops in town and the buying frenzy of vendor's night.

I go to take photos to capture the wonder of it all. I go to enjoy the turn of the century architecture. I go because I love to drive and take road trips. I go to fill up my creative well to carry me through the next year. I go because it feeds my soul.
25 days and counting...


Anonymous said...

I am also going to artfest but for the first time. I clicked onto your blog from the Artfest group emails to check out your moo cards and fell into your explanation of going to Artfest. It got me really excited... especially the part about "my people"!! there is always a little nervousness in doing something new and your comments just blew it out the window. Hope to run into you there! my blog is

Anonymous said...

sounds like heaven.