Monday, July 19, 2010

This N' That

I've been quite the last while because I've had my nose to the grindstone working on various projects, some of which were due this past weekend. One was the book project, which I posted about recently. The other was an article, which has gone off to be published. Busy, busy!!

This week, I've been working on a pair of shoes, which will be going to a gallery in Venice Beach, CA, to be part of a show in September. I spent the last 10 days trying to track down the perfect shoes to work on. It took some doing, but on Friday, I struck pay dirt! They're about 3/4's finished already. (I've been inspired. YAY!) I'll post photos when they're finished.

In other news, for those of you who've been paying attention over the years, you've heard me mention my friend Penn alot. She's my art partner in crime. A good number of us have nagged her off and on for years to get a blog so she can share her genius with the world. Well...out of the blue on Friday night, I got an email saying she'd done just that! I've linked her on my side bar-she's Radiant Crust. Now all I have to do in get her to upload some pics of her work! You'll want to add her to your blog roll-she's a great artists and all around wonderful person!

On Sunday, I bought this book for myself, after looking at it several times. (Which by my estimation, is a good sign that I need it to come home with me!) I don't know that I will write in it, but I like the idea of it. I got it mostly for inspiration purposes. I like lists!

And lastly, Sherri Lynn Wood of Dainty Time asked for some mantras to put up on her travel trailer. I shared one of the ones I always share with my students about making art: "There are no rules!" Apparently, posting this on the back of your trailer and tootling down the I5 brings surprising results. To see what I mean, you can read about it here. It's amusing to think my consciousness was being spread far and wide on her vacation.

Okay, time to get back to work here! Deadlines are looming!


Nancy Lynn said...

I love your blog and so happy that I found out about you at Mary Ann's class, ROD. And I loved following your olympic adventures too.

Penelope said...

Thanks for the positive announcement! And I will figure out how to post pics, links, etc. Honest.

Deb said...

How cool is that trailer?
I can only imagine driving it through the states - like around California & Arizona ... it might get bullet-holed :(
Love your mantra - so like you AND me. That mantra is similar to 2 of mine: Mistakes Can Be Opportunites & Break A Rule: Be An Artist!

Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

I SO need a non-planner datebook!! I love lists, too...I've got little shreds of paper...bits of envelopes...receipts...all with notes written here and there. Maybe the non-planner would help me keep all of my non-planning together?!