Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Books & Zines

Hi Gang! I didn't manage to get here to post an update on the reprint of Manual Dexterity Zine issue #1 yesterday. I had a horrific migraine yesterday, so my computer time was limited.

Anyhoo, this limited edition run will be posted for sale on Thursday, August 5th, right here on my blog, if you have been wanting a copy for your very own.

I am now in the process of writing and creating issue #2 and it's going like gangbusters. One of the great things about doing a project like a zine is that each time you do it, you learn something new about the process that helps make work on subsequent issues easier. I like that part! It means in some small way, I've grown as an artist.

In the meantime, I have also been juggling several projects because August seems to be the month o'deadlines. I've had a burst of creative energy over the long weekend. Saturday night, I was plugging away in the studio when my husband started wandering through the house turning lights off. I looked up from what I was doing and saw that it was after midnight. Yikes! I'd completely lost track of time!

In my spare time (and I use that term lightly) I've been gobbling up books again. Here's what's on my bedside table, waiting in the queue:
I just happened to spot this one a couple weeks ago and I've started reading it. It's good-it made me want to jump up and organize things. (Although I need little prompting to want to do that-it's an Aries thing!)
I am only a few chapters in, but it's going well.

I think everyone and their dog has read this one. I am probably dead last in line, but I finally got a copy through my library. (It's absolutely dog-eared.) I'd like to read it before I go see the movie...or not...sometimes that only leads to horrible disappointment. I can't think of a single time where I've said "Hey that movie was even better than the book!" So we'll see if I do or not-let the chips fall where they may. Maybe it would be a good idea to read the book after, for a change.

Carol Burnett's memoires. YAY! I love Carol. Truly, I do. When I was growing up, I never missed an episode of her show and she was just so sweet and funny. She was one of the best memories of my childhood.
There's just so many good books on the shelves right now! Okay, gotta run, but I'll be back on Thursday to post details about purchasing the zine!

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