Sunday, May 15, 2005


Good Sunday morning everyone! Hope you're having nicer weather than we are on the wetcoast of Canada. It's overcast and pouring here, which means it's a perfect day to go and swap some ATCs with friends. (Any excuse is a good one, if you ask me! *grins*)

I have uploaded some new odds & ends to a couple of the galleries-new ATCs in Gallery 3 and the final page for the Abecedarium collaborative book I am participating in in Gallery 6. WHEW! That's a couple things off my plate. Now I just have to finish my prep work on my True Colours Journal so it can go into the mail tomorrow.

That's all I've got for you for now, other than to tell you that Papier Valise has just stocked the coolest filigree wings. I had to order some when I saw them-they are simply divine! Go have a peek-they are in the metals section.
**Warning-Papier Valise can be highly addictive!! LOL!**

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