Yesterday was Vancouver's monthly ATC swap and there were a few new faces who came as a result of the Breakfast Television segment I did last month. As usual, we were the rowdy group in the back having a good time talking about all things artsy and swapping cards. I felt kind of bad for all the students who were there, trying to study for finals in the midst of our artistic chaos. It's always funny to see them trying to discreetly figure out what all the fuss is about.
Afterwards, Penn and I went over to Richmond to Daiso to see what treasures we could find. I spotted these fun @ symbol book ends and they just happened to match my studio perfectly. Beleive me, I need them-my Somerset and CPS magazines are always tipping over! I also found some great geometric shape stencils which will come in handy. It's so much fun to poke around in that store and everything is just $2!
This week will be taken up with tidying up the class stuff that is scattered all over my studio and driving me crazy, finishing up a piece of jewellery for an exchange I am in, working on items for sale for the Studio Tour and most importantly, beginning to prepare for Artfest!! It's business as usual here!
Sounds like you had fun! Nice blog!!!~
Love the arch.
You're invited!!!!
What: A Blog Party
Where: http://daydreamstudios.blogspot.com/2008/02/welcome-to-my-humble-blog.html
When: Now thru next Tuesday
Why: Becuase I made it to 100 posts (wasn't sure I'd make it past 3)
Time: My blog never sleeps, so come when you can.
Who: You of course, bring a friend too.
P.S.: I have a present to give away!
I was just looking at your etsy shop. Love the snowman ornies and the journals. Tag! your IT!
Here’s the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
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