Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Playing Catch Up!

Is this not the sweetest thing you have ever seen? He is just the best puppy ever. We adore him-he's no trouble at all and he's finally starting to relax and bond with us. If you want to see more pics or read about him, the link to his Dogster blog, Paws and Reflect is on the sidebar.

I haven't had time to work on any art in the last fews days. I was too busy running around buying things for Indy's arrival, puppy proofing the house and then settling him in yesterday. Today I am going to attempt to get some work done, while continuing to work with Indy on his training, which will be a daily thing for some time.

I have more pics to share from Il Gardino Italiano. I still marvel at the detail in each piece.

This one is kind of scary. I am guessing it's the Barber of Seville...

I love this one-it's a raincloud and it's one of the spouts in the fountain section of the garden.

I love how the one on the far right has puffed up cheeks. I find this art really delightful because it's so playful. Does anyone else live where there are fountains like this?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We Interrupt This Art Blog...


This is Indy (Indiana) who is a 4 month old pure bred black Lab. He's a sweet, sweet boy-very calm and laid back. He came home with us last night, so we're still in the process of settling in, but he curled up in his bed last night and that was it for the night.

To find out more about about Indy, (how we chose his name, his stats, etc.) you can visit his blog, Paws & Reflect on Dogster. (Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to read blog entries.) I've added a link on my sidebar for Indy's blog. I'll be adding more info to his blog as we get to know him.

Right now he's curled up on his bed in the studio, right beside me dreaming puppy dreams.

*Happy sigh*

Monday, July 28, 2008

Somethin's Happenin' Here...

Hmmm...what could this mean? Stay tuned to find out!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Through the Lense

So this week, my art form of choice is photography. On Saturday, we went to the "Taste of the City" event down at the PNE. It's been running for years, but for one reason or another, we never seem to be able to go. This year when I saw it being advertised, I marked it on the calendar to make sure we would get there.
In any case, the food was not the important part-the photos were. These were all taken at the Italian Garden (Il Giardino Italiano) fountain which is a part of Hastings Park. We walked up through this area, which I'd never seen before. It's been there for years, but it's not somewhere I normally go. I was really taken with the water bearer, shown above. There's just something so tranquil about her.

All of the pillars in the fountain and surrounding area depict characters from popular operas. I think the artist really did a good job capturing the feel for Italian opera.

I liked the ruffle on this clown and the daisies sprouting up behind him. So much so that I stopped to capture the daises as well.

The texture on this one is amazing. Normally there is water spewing out of the mouth. Just look at those eyes!

Here is a section of the main fountain wall. The water spills down a terraced area, down, down the hill. The whole area feels cool and fresh, even on a hot day. It really is quite beautiful and I am glad I was able to see it.

One thing I love about Vancouver is that the city has all kinds of little gems like these tucked away, just waiting to be discovered. I love being a tourist in my own town. I've lived here 22 years and I still haven't seen everything!

If it's too hot to work in your studio, why not grab your camera and head outside and see what you can capture! You might just surprise yourself!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Last Call For Moos!


I was supposed to close the exchange yesterday, but it's been a busy week and I forgot! That means there's still time to join in the fun. I will close sign ups on Monday evening.

If you need more information, you can find it by clicking HERE.
You may join the exchange by clicking HERE.

Cards are already in the mail, making their way to my house-we have lots of eager participants, but there's still plenty of time if you join. So..what are you waiting for?!?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Productive Studio Time

Copyright Tattered Edge 2008

It's been a busy last few days working on designs for Hannah Grey. They sent me a whole box of wonderful art bits and I had so much fun opening the box when it arrived. It was like Xmas in July!

Copyright Tattered Edge 2008

If you go visit the Hannah Grey blog you will find my latest creations for them there, along with a supply list and detailed instructions so you can grab some creative inspiration for yourself! There are a ton of free project ideas so be sure and check it out.

Also there have been a raft of new posts over at Artsmiths-lots of interesting sharing and a give-away happening, so do stop by and see for yourself! I will be taking my turn posting over there next week.

Just out of curiosity, is there anything any of you out there want to see me post about? Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you think!

Okay, back to work for me! *waves*

Monday, July 07, 2008

Catch Up Post

C0pyright Tattered Edge 2008

Hello again! I suppose you think I've wandered off into the summer and forgotten about my blog. Au contraire! Actually, I was dealing with computer woes. Late last week, I did an automatic update and it asked me to reboot, so I did. Next thing I know, I am staring at nothing. Black screen-nothing. I thought my computer had had a total meltdown (This has happened to me once before wherein my mother board was completely fried.) but when my friend Lance came by to help me figure out what happened, we discovered it was actually the monitor that was kaput.

I never suspected the monitor was the problem because mine is only 15 months old. Fortunately, my husband had purchased a 2 year extended warranty, so I took it back to the store. They are sending it back to the manufacturer who will either repair or replace it. In the meantime, I purchased a new monitor (which I will either get credited for later or I will return if they somehow resurrect my dead one) so I am back in business. I was connected via my laptop for a couple of days, but it doesn't have all the important stuff on it.

I have learned my lesson. I have three words for you people: external hard drive. Buy one and back up all your important files. You have no idea what a nightmare it would have been if my hard drive had been fried again. All my workshops, all my photos and art, an extensive iTunes library, my website writing program, all my personal and business contacts would have been lost. External hard drives are your friends. Get yourself one!

So..catching up...

Canada Day was alot of fun. We had a bunch of friends over for a BBQ. The weather was perfect-pleasant, but not too hot. The food was fantastic and everyone had a great time hanging out together. We'll probably do it again before summer is over.

Over the last few days, the studio looks like a tornado blew through. There's stuff everywhere. I have been working on design work for Hannah Grey. I hope to have new designs posted to the Hannah Grey blog by the end of the week.

If you haven't checked out the Hannah Grey design blog, you're missing out-there are a whole bunch of free instructions for cool projects, which include links to the products used to make shopping easier. Go take a peek! There might just be something there to inspire your summer creativity.

I ordered the 1000 Journals Project book and it arrived last week. What a great book! It's got page upon page of cool journal entries and I liked that they added some 3D and texture effects to come of the pages. I am about 1/2 way through looking at it. I got to work in one of the journals at Artfest a few years ago when the crew came to shoot for their film. I love that I got to be a part of that.

I have exchanged ephemera with the folks who emailed me about wanting to trade. My packets went out early last week. I can't wait to see what goodies arrive. Going to the Post office will be an adventure for the next little while!

Anyone still wanting to participate in the Moo Exchange I am hosting, can still sign up by clicking here. I will be accepting sign ups till July 11th.

The collaborative book project I am hosting is humming right along and I am preparing for the next project I want to do. All in all, things have been pretty busy in the studio so far, but I'm having fun. Today I am going to take a small break and go out for a bit. I want to poke around in some stores for a bit, just for a change of scenery.

Oh and that pic above is just me futzing around. The colours didn't scan very nicely for some reason. It's actually quite vibrant-not all muddied as it appears. Not a very good representation of it all all. Let's just say I am not too keen on the new HP printer. Never again.

Okay, I think that's all the news that's fit to print! I'm off! *waves*

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Canada Day & A Moo Exchange

Copyright Tattered Edge 2008

First of all, HAPPY CANADA DAY to my fellow Canadians! I hope wherever you are you are spending the day with those you love, doing something fun and celebrating how blessed we are to call this beautiful and free country our home. I know I'm feelin' the love for my homeland today.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, I want to let everyone know that in honour of my Moo article being published, I have decided to host a Moo Card exchange. I love getting to know people's art this way and decided you can never have enough of a good thing!

Here's the deal:
This exchange will be of real printed Moo Cards only*.
Send 11, get 10 back. (The extra card is for your humble hostess, however I will also be trading 10 of mine in the exchange.)

US, Canadian and International folks are all welcome!

I have set up a Yahoo Group to administer the exchange. If you would like to participate, please click here to join.
This group is only for this project so please join only if you are participating in this exchange.

I will take sign ups until July 11th.
More details will be found on the group site when you sign up.

*If you don't currently have any Moo Cards, you can make and order them by going to Moo. They ship pretty quickly so you should get them in time.

This is a great way to meet new folks, collect some cool mini artwork and have something in your mailbox other than bills!

Okay, off to get the BBQ fired up. We have friends coming to celebrate this afternoon.
Bonne Fete Canada!